Resources to help rural communities promote walking, biking, and physical activity.
Resources to help rural communities promote walking, biking, and physical activity.
This infobrief describes state outreach, technical assistance, and partnership approaches that support rural communities and highlights two communities that have successfully used federal funds to improve safety and accessibility for walking and bicycling.
This brief provides an overview of the unique considerations in implementing Safe Routes to School in tribal communities.
When it comes to walking and bicycling, rural communities can be the best of environments and the worst of environments. Historically, small rural towns were very walkable. With small main streets and compact development, it was easy to walk from place to place while running errands.
Safe Routes to School programs can succeed in rural areas. But ensuring that schoolchildren can get the benefits of walking and bicycling to school in rural communities requires dealing with some challenges and barriers that may be different than in other areas.
In over 17,000 schools around the country, these programs are making it easier and safer for students to be healthy by walking or bicycling to school.